Men's Health Pre & Postpartum Women's Health

Men, Take Charge of Your Health!

Written by: Dr. Lisa English, PT, DPT, WCS, Clinic Director

June is Men’s Health Month, and we are here for it! The ways to stay healthy and the steps men can take to get there are endless! A few simple ways can include:

  1. Diet: Eating a well balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of several diseases, including heart disease, stroke, several cancers, and diabetes. Aiming for 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day can seem like a far leap from where you may be, but it’s ok to start small! One helpful way to ensure you reach these goals is “Eating the Rainbow”. Aim to find a few different colors of foods that you can eat during the day to add a variety of nutrients to your daily diet. 
  2. Moving: Moving is another great way to reduce the risk of several diseases like obesity, heart disease, lung disease, and cancer. Commitment to move can seem daunting but can definitely be fun! Multitask your Netflix binge by doing some floor exercises and stretches. Plan a golf day with a friend, or commit to walking your dog twice a day. All of these are ways to get the muscles working and blood flowing!
  3. See your doctor!: I don’t always like to speak in absolutes…but early prevention is everything! Yearly check ups can be so helpful in catching problems before they are truly issues. Testicular screens and prostate screens are specific to men, but it’s beneficial to also include blood work from your general practitioner, skin checks from a dermatologist, and a colonoscopy from a gastroenterologist if you’re over the age of 45. 

At Nesin Pelvic Health, we also treat men looking to optimize their health! We can help treat conditions of the pelvic floor including pain, bladder and bowel issues, tailbone pain, and assist in surgical recovery from post-prostatectomy. You do not have to live with pain and settle for less than optimal. Moving well in your day to day functions is another great way to take charge of your health!

Contact us today to schedule an evaluation at 256-513-8442