Men's Health Pre & Postpartum Women's Health

The Benefits of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy for Cancer Patients

Written by: Lisa English, PT, DPT, WCS – Nesin Pelvic Health Clinic Director I don’t often speak in absolutes, but I will say that physical therapy should be a part of a person’s cancer journey. The effects of cancer, and even more so the effects of cancer treatment, can negatively impact a person’s body. These effects… Read More

Men's Health Pre & Postpartum Women's Health

How to Feed Your Baby Without Sacrificing Your Posture

Written by: Meredith Taylor, PT, DPTWhether you are breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or pumping, check your posture! Improved posture can help decrease postpartum pain or discomfort in areas such as the shoulders, neck, pelvic floor, back, or hips. Here are 5 quick areas to self assess:Head and Neck PositionShoulder Position and Arm/Baby SupportMid Back and Rib… Read More

Men's Health Pre & Postpartum Women's Health

Our Pelvic PTs Are Thankful For…

Written by: Nesin Pelvic Health November has us pelvic therapists reflecting on what we’re thankful for, specifically the products we’re thankful patients have available to them. Check out the featured products our therapists chose below!Squatty PottyLisa English, PT, DPT, WCS  is thankful for squatty potties because it helps relax the pelvic muscles so going #2… Read More

Women's Health

Breast Self Exam Guide

Written by: Lisa English, PT, DPT You may have heard from your doctor, social media, or other organizations and friends that early detection of breast cancer can come from a self exam. If you are an overthinker, like me, there can be anxiety around making sure you are doing the right thing. There are even… Read More